4 Questions to help you discover if it’s time for a rebrand

Nothing ever stays the same - it’s a rule of life, a law of physics. Things must change. And in business, things can change pretty quickly. As the months and years pass, you might start to feel like the visual identity you have no longer suits your business. Deciding if you're ready for a rebrand might not be a very complicated process, but it quite likely will feel like a big decision to make, and that’s why you need to be sure. Use these questions to help you in your decision making – you’ll be feeling clearer in no time!

Are you considering a rebrand? Here’s how to know if it’s time…

Pink graphic for blog post '4 Questions to discover if it's time for a rebrand' by Salt Design Co.

1. Is your brand feeling stagnant and old?

Most brands don’t just suddenly stop being good, but they might not serve the current purpose you need. Perhaps your style has changed (or the trends have!) or your mission and personality has changed. As a result your brand identity might feel a little old to you.

This is one of the best times to rebrand because it means something has shifted and is no longer reflected in your visual identity – which really is what your brand is there for! Brands are strategic and they have to effectively represent your business in order to attract the right clients or customers, and if it’s not doing that then it’s time for a rebrand.

2. has it been a long time since you refreshed or updated your brand (even in small ways!)

You don’t always need to do a full rebrand, sometimes a little refresh or update is all that’s needed for a small business. Budgets are tight, or need to be prioritized, and maybe your business hasn’t changed in such a dramatic way that a rebrand is even necessary.

A refresh could look like updating your colours and fonts, or bringing in a new graphic style that’s popular and will help you beat the Instagram algorithm. These are small changes that take very little time, and most importantly probably don’t require looking at or updating your brand strategy (and therefore the entire personality and style of your brand). Making small updates to your brand instead of doing a full rebrand is a really smart and easy way to stay on-trend while also staying true to your brand. Take a look at how we’ve refreshed our own brand over the years!

3. has your business been through a transition in its mission, customer demographic or offering?

Any big change to your business model or brand strategy might in turn require a big change to your brand identity. Ultimately this is the most important time to rebrand as your brand might not reflect and represent the business because of those changes.

Ask yourself if the changes are big enough to warrant a rebrand, and more importantly, if your current branding will help to communicate your new mission or offering, or if it will still help to attract your new clients.

Whatever the change is, make sure your brand visually communicates what it needs to!

4. should you rebrand because your existing brand no longer suits your business or help you to achieve your goals?

The purpose of a brand identity is essentially to help you achieve your business goals – by communicating what your business is about and who it’s for you, you can attract the right people, make more sales and excite potential customers. Even if you haven’t made any changes to your business, you might have realized that your current brand identity isn’t helping you achieve your goals.

Perhaps you had a lower budget for your brand or you only had enough budget for a logo, not a full brand identity. Whatever the reason, it might be time to get a new brand, or rebrand your current identity. After all, if your brand is not working for you, what’s the point!?

Hopefully these questions have helped you think about your branding and get some clarity from a designers perspective on whether or not you need a rebrand. If the time is now and you have questions, feel free to reach out to us at hello@saltdesignco.studio. We’d be happy to chat about your rebrand or brand update!


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Dark green graphic for blog post '4 Questions to discover if it's time for a rebrand' by Salt Design Co.
Light green graphic for blog post '4 Questions to discover if it's time for a rebrand' by Salt Design Co.

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